Thank you to everyone who entered their bids for my ‘Rusty Coble’ painting that was displayed in Neil’s Gallery in Filey with 100% of the proceeds going to the RNLI Filey Lifeboat.
The bidding closed on the 30th Sept 2019 and the winning bid (over £500.00) was from James and Kim of the White Lodge Hotel in Filey.
“Kim and I are delighted to have placed the highest bid and that this money will go to support Filey Lifeboat. My Father, Philip Hodgson, was Hon Sec of Filey Lifeboat from 1963-1976 and my mother, Eileen Hodgson was actively involved in the Ladies Lifeboat Guild for over 30 years. My brother Richard and I are both former crew members. We will display the painting in the Hotel for the benefit of our guests and I am sure they will enjoy it. Many of our guests have been coming to Filey since they were children and remember the days when Filey had many working fishing boats on Coble Landing. We dedicate the picture to all Filey Lifeboat Sea and Shore Crews and all Volunteer workers past and present” says James.
James’s comments reflect my own family long standing relationship with Filey, the fishing boats, the beach and happy holidays. I like to think my paintings reflect the essence of the town and its heritage even though we live in Wharfedale some 90 miles or so from the town!
Special thanks to Gavin and Lisa at Neil’s Gallery for agreeing to display the painting and organising the bidding along with thanks to John and Jim at the RNLI for their help. Also a big thank you for everyone supporting such a worthwhile cause – while having the chance to own a piece of original artwork.
Donation and painting presentation details and date to be confirmed.